I’m taking two really sweet girls with me to Tunisia in October, and I think it’s going to change our lives. (I’m also taking my oldest daughter but more on that later!) Up to this point, Poppy and Loom has taken two young men to Vietnam, and two young ladies to Tanzania. Most people root for us and this endeavor, but every so often, people ask me why I want to take young people from my under-resourced community to other countries. I know I don’t need to explain myself, but because I want you to understand, here are a few reasons why…

Because I want to. Because I love to see the world more accessible to young people in my community. Because traveling makes you more aware of your place as a global citizen… it makes you quick to listen, and slow to judge. And because it really is just something I can and want to give away. My community of friends have this saying: “You can only give away what you have.” So why travel? Because this is something that I can give away… my connections and real life relationships to people around the world.
What do you have that you can give away?
